Friday, 8 December 2006

Pull, Fri 9th December - Push/Pull/Lower

First pull day:


  1. 6 @ 160
  2. 6 @ 160
  3. 6 @ 165
  4. 6 @ 165

CG Chin Ups
  1. 6
  2. 4 (2 negs)
  3. 4 (2 negs)
  4. 3 (3 negs)
BB Rows
  1. 6 @ 65
  2. 6 @ 65
  3. 6 @ 65
  4. 6 @ 65
WG Lat Pulldowns
  1. 6 @ 90?
  2. 6 @ 110
  3. 6 @ 110
  4. 6 @ 110
DB Curls
  1. 6 @ 7
  2. 6 @ 7
  3. 6 @ 7
  4. 6 @ 7
Pretty good workout. DL were great, quite easy too. Chins and pulldowns were hard, might be my technique more so than my strength. Rows were alright, curls I might do another exercise.

All in all a good week. I like training in the 4-6 range, it doesn't make me that sore but I see good gains.

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